What is Filagra medicine?
Filagra medicine is an FDA-approved solution for overcoming impotence or Erectile Dysfunction in men. The main active component in this pill is Sildenafil Citrate. This pill helps impotent men to attain and sustain a stiffer penile erection for longer lovemaking sessions. The impotence treating medication is available in various forms and strengths for oral intake. Â
How does this impotence treating medicine work?
The medicine Filagra does the job by simply aiding the natural erection process of impotent men. Sildenafil Citrate component in the pill works as chemical compound PDE5 is highly responsible for making the erections go flaccid. This medicine does the job by simply boosting up the flow of blood and relieving arterial strains in the penile region.
How are Filagra pills taken?
For Filagra to work best, the medicine is recommended for consumption on an empty stomach. Consume the pill approx. 30 minutes before the planned lovemaking session. Further consumption patter shall all depend on the form of medicine is to be consumed, including conventional tablet and gel caps that are to be taken consumed as whole with a glass of water, whereas, chews are to be taken alone and sublingual tablet is to be consumed by placing it below the tongue.
How long effectiveness of Filagra lasts in the bloodstream?
Appropriate oral intake of this medicine helps men to again be safe and effective outcomes. However, the period of effectiveness with medicine depends on the strength of the pill is consumed.Â
Which strength medicine would be preferable?
The strength of medicine varies from 25mg to 150mg of Sildenafil Citrate. Men should consult a doctor before consuming the strength of the pill as the dosage depends on the severity of the health condition.
Can women consume Sildenafil Citrate composed pill?
The medicine Filagra has been made for overcoming male sexual dysfunction. However, Filagra pink is specially composed for women to overcome female sexual dysfunction.
Does Sildenafil Citrate compose pill lead to side effects?
Just like other drugs Filagra pills can also have side effects like including flushing, dizziness, headache, upset stomach, bluish tinge in the vision, UTI, diarrhea, etc. These side effects are mild and nothing to worry about and they shall all vanish soon.
How long does it take for Filagra medicines to start their mechanism?
Impotence treating solution usually starts its action mechanism in just 30 to 60 minutes of consumption. However, consumption of the pill in presence of complete sexual stimulation helps an impotent man for gaining quick and long-lasting effectiveness.
Does consumption of the Filagra pill suit all men?
Mostly the pill is suitable for oral intake by all men. However, in the case of men who are suffering from liver or kidney disease, have had heart issues in the past, the medicine is not recommended safe for oral intake.