The Orders which are placed from this store Filagra.comĀ are all shipped via the international Express & Registered shipping method. The orders that are placed on this store will be all shipped in just 72 hours post-payment which is all clear. The package which is ordered shall be shipped from one of our international depots which are located outside of the USA.
2 Choices for Shipping:
The delivery time frame of standard shipping is 15-21 business days. This will also show complete tracking movement after 7 to 10 days from the date of shipping of the medication.
The packages that are all shipped using shipping might also have a limited online tracking system.
The delivery time for another shipping offered is 9 to 14 business days, which is the maximum number of days that are provided. More often than not, delivery shall be in just 5 to 7 days.
Tracking Order:
The orders which are placed can be all tracked on the website which might be
For USA Customers:
For EUROPEAN Customers:
For UK Customers:
Partial Shipment Issue
Some of the placed large orders will be shipped in Multi packages over various dates. Information is well provided in all of the order histories.
This can be done as – Log on to My Account ā Order History for Details
Short Shipment/Damaged Package Issue
Filagra.comĀ provides the highest quality services and sometimes the package will be incomplete upon delivery one must also provide details and evidence to (support email) or contact the Customer Service team as soon as possible.
Having Discreet Packaging
All of the goods that are ordered online viaĀ Filagra.comĀ are packaged discreetly. There is no way that the content can be identified from the packaging, no reference or markings to identify contents inside the package.
We will replace any of the orders that might have not delivered providing:
Shipping of the pills ordered fromĀ Filagra.comĀ address as received is correct and reconfirmed. 21 business days from the shipping date might have lapsed (30 days). Customer Service is well contacted in approx. 8 weeks from the ship date.
Due to some of the fact, which might be the logistics company which is processing orders within a few hours of receiving an order, this might not be possible to cancel an order post 24 hours of ordering the stuff. Should one no longer require the product, please contact the customer service team and one shall do everything we can to accommodate you.